Une contribution de l'Iddri au document de cadrage de la première Conférence latino-américaine sur la cohésion sociale ("A strategic priority in the European Union-Latin American partnership") qui s'est tenue les 22 et 23 janvier 2015 à Santiago (Chili) dans le cadre du programme EUROsociAL.

Présentation du programme EUROsociAL [en anglais] :

"EUROsociAL is a regional cooperation programme between the European Union and Latin America for the promotion of social cohesion through support for national public policies and the strengthening of the institutions that put them into practice. EUROsociAL aims to promote a European-Latin American dialogue about public policies surrounding social cohesion. Its aim is to contribute to reform and implementation processes in ten key areas of public policy in certain thematic areas selected for their potential impact on social cohesion. The instrument provided is that of institutional cooperation or peer-to-peer learning: the exchange of experiences and technical advising between European and Latin American public institutions."

Lire l'article Iddri : Concept note "Social cohesion and sustainable development. Five case studies for an EU perspective"

Le site du programme EUROsociAL

Informations sur l'inauguration de la conférnce par Michelle Bachelet, Présidente de la République du Chili [en espagnol]