Alexandre K. Magnan is Senior Research fellow on "Adaptation to Climate Change" at IDDRI (Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, Sciences Po, France). His research mostly focuses on coastal areas in small islands in the Ocean and Pacific oceans. He is interested in understanding the main influential drivers of societal vulnerability over the last decades, the risk of maladaptation to climate change, and the design of adaptation pathways. He develops expert judgment methods to assess future climate risks, the effectiveness of adaptation options (to what extent are they “solutions”?), and adaptation efforts at multiple levels (local and global). Finally, he has strong interest in there science-policy interface, and develops works on understanding the framing and implementation of the Global Goal on Adaptation under the UNFCCC.

Alexandre holds a PhD in geography (2005) as well as a Habilitation to supervise research (2018). He has been an IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Working Group II "Impact, Vulnerability, Adaptation »; Special Report on Oceans and Cryosphere in 2019, and Sixth Assessment Report in 2022). He leads the synthesis chapter of the UNEP Adaptation Gap Report and is a member of the World Adaptation Science Programme’s Scientific Committee. 

Alexandre Magnan's CV/Résumé