16 NOV 2021 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Replay: "Environmental food labelling: what vision for the agricultural transition?" Webinar in French Speakers: Laura Brimont, Mathieu Saujot, Flore Nougarede
25 NOV 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event How can we reconcile digital development with environmental protection? English-speaking webinar organised by the French Institute of Denmark Speaker: Laura Brimont
07 SEP 2020 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Accreditation required PRODURABLE 2020 trade show: "Defiance and food: what are the challenges for the sector?" Speaker: Laura Brimont
14 MAY 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Replay: "Impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on employment: what can we expect from international organisations?" Speakers: Marieke Louis, Anousheh Karvar, Alison Tate and 1 more.
23 SEP 2019 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event MOOC- Sustainable Development goals - Together, let's take up the challenge Session 2 Speakers: Laura Brimont, Henri Waisman
17 JUN 2019 Gif-sur-Yvette PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Implementation of autonomous vehicles: what solutions to facilitate their experimentation and development on a large scale? Speaker: Laura Brimont
04 JUN 2019 Paris PAST EVENT Conference How can we build a more just society? The proposals of the International Panel for Social Progress Speakers: Marie-Laure Salles, Marc Fleurbaey, Laura Brimont and 1 more.
09 APR 2019 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Public event New mobility: what impact on infrastructure? Speaker: Laura Brimont
27 MAR 2019 Brussels PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Under what conditions can we make the most of autonomous mobility? Speaker: Laura Brimont
23 NOV 2018 Manchester PAST EVENT Presentation Accreditation required A dashboard for sustainable autonomous mobility The annual Polis conference on "Transport innovation for sustainable cities and regions" Speaker: Laura Brimont
21 NOV 2018 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Accreditation required Will autonomous vehicles transform cities? Speaker: Laura Brimont
19 NOV 2018 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Invitation-only SDGs and the state budget - roadmap for SDG implementation Speakers: Laura Brimont, Elisabeth Hege