07 DEC 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation The EU-Mercosur trade agreement: implications for climate, food safety, pesticides and public procurement Webinar in English and Portuguese organised by the Heinrich Böll Institute and IATP / 05:00 pm CET Speaker: Yann Laurans
05 NOV 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Replay: "Towards sustainable cocoa: opportunities and challenges of a complex value chain" Day of French-speaking webinars organised by IDDRI & AFD Speakers: Yann Laurans, Frédéric Amiel
23 SEP 2020 24 SEP 2020 en ligne / online PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Replay: "Sustainable Development Meetings" Speakers: Sébastien Treyer, Michel Colombier, Yann Laurans
17 SEP 2020 18 SEP 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Replay: "Les 24 heures du climat" The 24 Hours of Climate Speakers: Damien Barchiche, Yann Laurans, Andreas Rüdinger
23 APR 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Imagining tomorrow's animal farming: towards a vegan world? Webinar in French on Facebook Live, organised by Sciences Po Environnement and Penser l'après Speaker: Yann Laurans
16 APR 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Epidemics, environmental disruptions and regulations French-speaking webinar / 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Speakers: Gwenaël Vourc'h, Lucien Chabason, Yann Laurans
30 NOV 2019 Dijon PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Biodiversity: you will turn off the light when you leave.... Speaker: Yann Laurans
19 NOV 2019 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Trade agreements, what are they for? Seminar on Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics Speakers: Sébastien Jean, Mathilde Dupré, San Bilal and 1 more.
24 OCT 2019 paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Post-2020 framework for biodiversity and natural capital: what ambitions and tools for companies and territories? FULL EVENT Speakers: Véronique Andrieux, Emmanuelle Wargon, Yann Laurans and 5 more.
13 SEP 2019 Paris PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Can biodiversity be integrated into every projects? Summary of the evaluation of the transversal axis of AFD's biodiversity intervention framework Speaker: Yann Laurans
27 JUN 2019 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Biodiversity Platform 2020 First meeting Speakers: Yann Laurans, Aleksandar Rankovic, Cyrille Barnerias and 1 more.
07 MAY 2019 Paris PAST EVENT Conference The IPBES global biodiversity assessment: messages and options Speakers: Hélène Soubelet, Yann Laurans, Damien Barchiche