05 NOV 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Replay: "Towards sustainable cocoa: opportunities and challenges of a complex value chain" Day of French-speaking webinars organised by IDDRI & AFD Speakers: Yann Laurans, Frédéric Amiel
19 DEC 2019 Bruxelles PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Cocoa value chains and sustainability Speaker: Frédéric Amiel
11 DEC 2018 Paris PAST EVENT Workshop Invitation-only Understand the impact of cocoa production on forests to better protect it Speakers: Xavier Sticker, Alexandre Muller, Lénaïc Moniot and 3 more.
21 SEP 2018 Paris PAST EVENT Intervention Evènement public Culture du cacao, culture de paix ? Festival étudiant Les TroPikantes Speaker: Frédéric Amiel