The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted in 2015 in the framework of the United Nations by all countries, constitute a transformational political project based on the commitment to make development choices that simultaneously take into account the different dimensions of development: access for all to health and essential services, environmental protection, reduction of social inequalities, etc.

In the face of the current crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic and its impacts, taking these dimensions into account is essential if the 2030 Agenda and its 17 SDGs are to serve as a guide for recovery and reconstruction by tackling the structural causes of our vulnerabilities.

There are many examples of countries where numerous actors are taking up this agenda to take concrete action in favour of sustainable development: Spain, Colombia, Finland, Slovenia, Guatemala, Bhutan, Mexico, Japan, among others. But in France, despite the adoption of a SDG roadmap in September 2019 and the mobilisation of actors from various backgrounds, the 2030 Agenda is still struggling to find its place in debates and initiatives.

This webinar organised around elected representatives, members of civil society and private actors was an opportunity to analyse the causes of this lack of recognition and use of the 2030 Agenda in political and entrepreneurial practices, and will propose avenues for a (better) shared and (more) effective implementation.


  • Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Director, ONE France
  • Jérôme Baloge, Niort (Deux-Sèvres, France) mayor
  • Pierre-Alain Raphan, French MP
  • Philippe Zaouati, Mirova CEO

Introductory remarks by: Damien Barchiche, Director of the Governance programme (IDDRI)
Moderated by: Brigitte Béjean, Communication Director (IDDRI)