
Aubert, P.-M., Garcia Vega, D., Poux, X. (2020). Biodiversité, sécurité alimentaire et changement climatique : quelle(s) trajectoire(s) de transformation pour l’agriculture ? Les Annales des Mines N°100.



The agricultural sector lies at the center of several major issues related to the climate, biodiversity and the safety and security of the food supply. All parties now admit that it is necessary to switch paradigms, but few agree on the direction to take. This debate revolves around the question of how to take responsibility for biodiversity.

In order to make progress on these issues, it will be essential to advance our understanding of the role that biodiversity plays in agricultural landscapes and how it can be maintained. This is a fundamental agronomic question that is increasingly being framed by research, even if empirical research is still lacking. But it will also be essential that, in parallel with this work, the modeling community improve its capacities to represent more biodiverse agricultural systems. It is only on this condition that biodiversity issues will cease to be approached solely from the point of view of the (non-)expansion of agricultural land, as is almost systematically the case today. But they will also force us to question the trajectory of transformation of the agricultural models themselves.

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