Blog post February 3rd 2025 Declining meat consumption and the economics of the French meat industry: seeking win-win solutions
25 JUL 2002 Paris PAST EVENT Matching institutions and ecosystems: the problem of fit Speaker: Oran Young
01 JUL 2002 02 JUL 2002 Nogent-sur-Marne PAST EVENT Conference Invitation-only Climate and development Speakers: Laurence Tubiana, Jean-Charles Hourcade, Rajendra K. Pachauri and 2 more.
07 MAY 2002 Paris PAST EVENT Assurance des catastrophes naturelles : faut-il choisir entre prévention et solidarité ? Speaker: Pierre Picard
11 APR 2002 Paris PAST EVENT Sustainable and equitable use of biodiversity Protecting the global and local public good Speaker: Charles Perrings
11 APR 2002 La Haye PAST EVENT La protection des savoirs locaux : des expériences africaines et européennes
14 FEB 2002 Paris PAST EVENT Les méthodes utilisées en France pour analyser les politiques et les mesures contre l'effet de serre Speaker: Pierre-Noël Giraud