“As per the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Nagoya Protocol, Parties need to ensure that users (e.g. companies) and providers (e.g. local communities) of genetic resources negotiate and conclude agreements regarding the conditions of access (bioprospection) and use (for research and development purposes) of genetic resources and the traditional knowledge associated with them, as well as regarding the just and fair distribution of benefits arising from such use. For many, these Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) mechanisms could help fund biodiversity conservation efforts. But where do matters really stand one year on from the Protocol’s entry into force? [...]”

An article written by Romain Pirard (CIFOR) and Renaud Lapeyre (IDDRI) in n°101 (1st quarter 2016, pp.73-76) of the Liaison Énergie-Francophonie Journal, “The Nagoya Protocol: the many facets of its implementation”.

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