En préparation du G20 placé sous la présidence de l'Allemagne pour l'année 2017, l'Iddri a contribué à l'initiative G20 Insights, une plateforme regroupant les propositions de quelque 170 think tanks internationaux, et à la F20 Platform, une alliance de fondations et autres organisations philanthropiques.

Une série de propositions et recommandations relatives aux politiques climatiques et aux Objectifs de développement durable ont ainsi été transmises directement au G20 en amont du sommet de Hambourg des 7 et 8 juillet 2017.

Résumé [en anglais] :

G20 should initiate a global Ocean governance process and call for Ocean Economy dialogues, strategies and regional cooperation to ensure that investment and growth in ocean use become sustainable and reach their full potential.

The ocean is the largest and a most critical ecosystem on Earth, with many interactions between the ocean Sustainable Development Goal (SDG14) and other SDGs. It is one of the most biologically diverse and highly productive system on the planet, and potentially the largest provider of food, materials, energy, and ecosystem services. However, past and current maritime sectors’ uses of the ocean continue to be unsustainable. Increasing demand for resources, technological advances, overfishing, climate change, pollution, biodiversity and habitat loss, along with inadequate stewardship and law enforcement, are contributing to the ocean’s decline.

As a standing agenda item for the G20, and with associated good governance, a sustainable Ocean Economy can improve the health and productivity of ocean ecosystems, and reverse the current cycle of deline. Better governance, appreciation of the economic value of the ocean and ‘Blue Economy’ strategies can reduce conflicts among uses, ensure financial sustainability, ecosystem integrity and prosperity, and promote long-term national growth and employment in maritime industries.

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