Policy Brief September 2018 The digital transition of developing countries cities in 6 steps Author: Laure Criqui
Other publication December 2017 The streets: a spatial, social and political object AdP-Villes en développement Author: Laure Criqui
Autre publication December 2017 Urbanisation autonome : pour une autre action urbaine sur les quartiers précaires metropolitiques.eu Authors: Valérie Clerc, Laure Criqui, Guillaume Josse
Issue Brief October 2017 Promises and realities of digital technologies in developing cities Author: Laure Criqui
03 JUL 2018 04 JUL 2018 Rabat PAST EVENT Presentation Public event The digital transition: an opportunity for essential services and development Speaker: Laure Criqui
10 OCT 2017 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event The promise and reality of digital tools for governance in developing cities A session of IDDRI's Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics Seminar Speakers: Laure Criqui, Pierre-Arnaud Barthel, Alexandra Jaunet