IDDRI involved in the T20

IDDRI is involved in the T20, a network of global think tanks accompanying the G20 (in Brazil this year). Within this framework, IDDRI has coordinated several papers on Sustainable Climate Action and Energy Transition which was presented at the T20 mid-term conference in Rio, from July 1-3. Céline Kauffmann represented IDDRI.

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Key figure


This is the percentage of Europeans who consider that the fight against climate change is important, and it is even a priority for 43% of them.

Source: BVA X Sign Poll for Arte

Hot topics

Annual Report

IDDRI's 2023-2024 Annual Report is online. It includes the year's key achievements.

Climate Neutrality

On 9-10 July, four IDDRI members participate in a conference titled "Managing the transition to net zero - EU climate policy in a global context (NDC ASPECTS project final event)". This event concludes a research project funded by the European Union on key issues in the transition to climate neutrality in the EU, in other major emitters, and globally.


Blue Tourism

On 20 June, Angelo Sciacca moderates a webinar organized by the Blue Economy Research Lab of Brunel University London: "Towards Sustainable Blue Tourism: Trends, Challenges and Policy Pathways".


On Monday 17 June, the EU Member States gave the final green light to the adoption of a Nature Restoration Law. Agnès Hallosserie's blog post on this subject, published in February 2024, provides an insight into the links between the natural restoration of agro-ecosystems, soil productivity and the adaptation of farms to climate change.

IDDRI in the media

Read articles from the French and international press mentioning IDDRI researchers.

Développement durable : «On doit passer des discours à des actions et des politiques plus concrètes» - avec Damien Barch
L’année 2025 sera décisive pour le climat dans un monde « plus que jamais incertain et turbulent » - avec Sébastien Trey
Bilan mitigé pour la diplomatie environnementale en 2024 : les COP sont-elles devenues inutiles ? Avec Céline Kauffmann



Election evening at Europa Expérience (in French) - On June 9, Céline Kauffmann participated in a round-table discussion on the 2019-2024 legislature organized by Sciences Po, the Office of the European Parliament in France and the Institut Jacques Delors.