Une intervention de Laurence Tubiana dans le cadre de la 6e édition des débats sur le développement organisés par la Direction de la coopération pour le développement (DCD-CAD) de l'OCDE.

La présentation de Laurence Tubiana Laurence Tubiana portera sur "How to make best use of the GPG concept in practice?".

Présentation des DAC Development Debates (DDD) [en anglais] :

"The objective of the DDDs is to foster an exchange with top development thinkers to help the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and the Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD) scan the horizon, discuss ideas and engage in a reflective process. A wide range of diverse topics are discussed during this debate series, focusing especially on those areas where the DAC/DCD would like to extend its policy work. Previous subjects have been "Reimagining Development and Development Cooperation", "The end of ODA, the birth of hypercollective action and the resurrection of aid", "New poverty patterns: Where will the poor live?", and "What would it take to achieve the MDGs by 2015?".

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