Un chapitre rédigé par Damien Demailly pour l'Independent Annual Growth Survey (IAGS) publiée par l'OFCE (Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques), ECLM (Economic Council of the Labour Movement, Danemark) et IMK (Macroeconmic Policy Institute, Allemagne), avec des contributions de l'Iddri, AK Wien (Autriche) et Cambridge Econometrics (Royaume-Uni).

L'Independent Growth Annual Survey est une alternative indépendante à l'Annual Growth Survey publiée par la Commission européenne.

Extrait du chapitre [en anglais] :

"This paper identifies three sectors that fulfil the double criteria of short-term boost to growth and long-term sustainability: energy production and distribution, energy retrofit in the building sector, and sustainable mobility. For each of them, we will discuss the macroeconomic interest of investing in their transformation, as well as the capacity of the EU to stimulate and maintain an increase in investments: does the EU has the financial institutions and instruments to stimulate tens or even hundreds of billions of investments in these sectors in the short term, for example in the coming three years, and at the same time how could the EU ensure the stimulus in investments will continue over decades?"

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  • Damien Demailly