3pm -5pm
At Hotel Hilton Bonn, Room: Paris 1+2

Climate and development agendas are inextricably linked: the transformation towards a low carbon world is expected to have notable impacts on other development goals. Poverty reduction and reducing inequalities (SDGs 1, 10, 5), food security (SDG 2), health issues (SDG 3), water availability (SDG 6), energy access and energy poverty (SDG 7), economic growth and employment (SDG 8), industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9) and climate action (SDG 13), will all be affected, either positively or negatively, by climate action.

To maximize synergies between the two global agreements and to support national policy making, interactions between climate policies and the SDGs need to framed in a coherent fashion. The research project “Linking Climate and Development Policies – Leveraging International Networks and Knowledge Sharing” (CD-LINKS) brings together a consortium of nineteen leading international research organizations from around the globe to explore national and global climate transformation strategies and their linkages to a range of SDGs. The project is financed by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme.

This side event will introduce the most recent outcomes of the CD-LINKS project. We’ll present the climate policy measures required to stay below the 2°C and 1.5°C targets, and compare them with the current ambition level of NDCs. This work will inform the 2018 facilitative dialogue under the Paris Agreement. On the other hand, we assess implications of low carbon transformation pathways for achieving the SDGs and analyse how more stringent climate action could foster a transformation with positive additional feedbacks with regards to the SDGs. Furthermore, representatives of our Indian and Brazilian partners will present country-level strategies for low carbon development pathways and their impact on other sustainable development dimensions.

This event will feature presentations and discussions with leading international experts.