09:00 to 12:15 - RTE, Tour initiale, 1, Terrasse Bellini, 92800 Puteaux
A workshop organised by IDDRI, RTE and ECF

Roadmap 2050, the landmark energy study from the European Climate Foundation, has brought new ambition and understanding into the debate on Europe’s future energy system. IDDRI, RTE & ECF invite you for an event in Paris to discuss the results of the study, and what it means for France, in attendance of key players from business, politics and civil society in France.

This extensive analysis conducted by leading consultancies (McKinsey & Company; KEMA; Imperial College London; Oxford Economics; and the Office of Metropolitan Architecture) shows that achieving the EU’s 80%-95% GHG reduction target by 2050, based on zero carbon power generation, is technically feasible and makes compelling economic sense. The study also demonstrates where shifts in market design as well as in regulatory and energy policy frameworks are required if Europe wants to reap the benefits from the low-carbon transition.

The panel of experts, consisting of key players in the debate on energy in France, will discuss the near-term implications of this analysis and will assess the technical and political challenges that need to be addressed at the EU and national level to make this a reality. Visuals created by the Office of Metropolitan Architecture transform the analysis from a plan into a clear vision.

Senior policy makers, opinion leaders, journalists, board-level executives, business associations and civil society representatives are invited to take part in the event and to give their views on the questions raised in it.

>> Download the workshop's agenda