Other publication May 2021 Dynamics of climate litigation: Uses and mobilization of the law (Book in French) Authors: Marta Torre-Schaub, Michel Colombier, Laurence Tubiana
Publication scientifique August 2017 Changing the game: the Paris Agreement and the role of scientific communities Authors: Laurence Tubiana, Timothée Ourbak
Tribune October 14th 2016 Climat et biodiversité : les experts doivent évaluer réussites et échecs des politiques publiques FigaroVox Authors: Laurence Tubiana, Hervé Le Treut, Luc Abbadie and 14 more.
Report April 2015 A Planet for Life 2015 - Building the Future We Want Authors: Rajendra K. Pachauri, Anne Paugam, Teresa Ribera and 1 more.
Publication scientifique June 2014 Advancing Governance of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction Authors: Laurence Tubiana, Lucien Chabason, Julien Rochette and 2 more.
Report April 2014 A Planet for Life 2014 - Innovation for Sustainable Development Authors: Jean-Yves Grosclaude, Rajendra K. Pachauri, Laurence Tubiana
Tribune March 18th 2014 Luttons contre la pollution des plates-formes offshore Le Monde Author: Laurence Tubiana
Tribune January 24th 2014 Les 27 doivent s'entendre pour accélérer la croissance verte Le Monde Authors: Laurence Tubiana, Nicholas Stern, Teresa Ribera
Op-ed January 6th 2014 All about sustainable development Le Monde diplomatique Author: Laurence Tubiana
Tribune November 20th 2013 Conférence climat de Varsovie : un tremplin pour Paris Le Cercle Les Échos Author: Laurence Tubiana
Tribune October 4th 2013 Climat : entre science et politique, comment communiquer ? Le Monde Author: Laurence Tubiana
Tribune July 18th 2013 Les inégalités au cœur du développement (non) durable Slate.fr Authors: Laurence Tubiana, Rémi Genevey