Issue Brief December 2016 Innovating to sustain biodiversity conservation in African protected areas: funding and incentives. Insights from 3 countries Authors: Yann Laurans, Renaud Lapeyre
Report December 2016 Innovating for biodiversity conservation in african protected areas: funding and incentives Insights from Côte d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone and South Africa Authors: Renaud Lapeyre, Yann Laurans
Scientific publication November 2014 Aichi Biodiversity Target 3: Can market-based instruments make a difference? Results from the INVALUABLE project Authors: Romain Pirard, Philippe Méral, Charles-Hubert Born and 1 more.
Policy Brief November 2012 Defining market-based approaches for REDD+ Authors: Romain Pirard, Kate Dooley, Till Pistorius
Policy Brief October 2012 Resource Mobilisation for Aichi Targets: ambiguous lessons from research on market-based instruments Authors: Romain Pirard, Gilles Kleitz
05 APR 2016 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Payments for Ecosystem Services to conserve biodiversity in the South: effective and fair? A session of IDDRI's Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics Seminar Speakers: Esteve Corbera, Yann Laurans
19 JUN 2015 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event Conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services through market-based instruments Theory and practices for public decision makers Speakers: Sébastien Treyer, Xavier Sticker, Renaud Lapeyre and 2 more.
09 OCT 2014 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Aichi target 3 on positive incentives: can market-based instruments make a difference? Speakers: Philippe Méral, Charles-Hubert Born, Romain Pirard and 1 more.