The drought and heat wave that hit France this summer remind us that the country needs to prepare for the impacts of climate change. Some regional authorities and economic sectors have begun to address this subject, and the State has taken the first steps in this direction. But as the global year of adaptation launches, this subject is still too often missing from public policies in France and is confined to narrow circles of experts. Yet it should be central to a number of fundamental debates in the coming months, both at the national level (the sustainability of the CATNAT regime for natural disasters, water policy, coastal reconfiguration, agricultural policies) and at the territorial level (city adaptation to heat waves, changes in flood risk, economic development strategies).

  • What is the current state of existing initiatives?
  • What new courses of action for the public authorities, at the national and territorial levels?

Ronan Dantec, Senator for the Loire-Atlantique region, with the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE), Terra Nova and IDDRI, invite you to share opinions and join discussions during a conference sponsored by the Délégation à la Prospective du Sénat (French Senatorial Delegation for Strategic Foresight). The three think tanks will take this opportunity to make proposals to strengthen climate change adaptation actions across France.
The number of places is limited, so we invite you to register as soon as possible (mandatory registration). The detailed programme will follow shortly.