The impacts of human activities on biodiversity and the climate are becoming more prominent in public debates. How can they be better integrated into public policy-making? What role do the environmental sciences (ecological science, climate sciences, etc.) play in the democratic space? How can scientific ecology and political ecology be linked in order to strengthen action on these key issues?  

The Société Française d’Ecologie (SFE - French Society of Ecology), IDDRI, the Fondation de l’Ecologie Politique (FEP - Foundation for Political Ecology), the Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodivérsité (FRB - Foundation for Research on Biodiversity), the Veblen Institute and the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - French National Museum of Natural History) have joined forces to organise a day of discussions on the relationships between scientific ecology and political ecology in the development of the public debate and environmental decisions, just a few weeks ahead of the important elections.

The day will be divided into two parts: in the morning, a public conference will enable constructive discussions comparing contributions from people with different profiles (ecologists, politicians, NGOs, journalists). In the afternoon, workshops (invitation only) will be the opportunity to develop proposals aimed at citizens, managers and politicians, with the goal of ensuring better integration of ecological and climate issues into public action.

Public conference: Free entry - registration required