[in french]

Debate with the candidates

Debriefing of the debate

Sustainable development issues are an important part of the public and political debate. The climate and environmental emergency has re-mobilised civil society, in particular young Europeans, in demand for a project that will bring hope. At the same time, the mobilisations observed in European societies in a post-crisis context show how economic, environmental and social issues are closely linked. How can the European Union rise to these challenges?

Three weeks before the European elections, the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE) of Sciences Po and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) organise a public conference bringing together representatives of the differnte candidate lists to discuss their programmes.


  • Pascal Durand (La République en Marche)
  • Stéphanie Jankiewicz (Les Républicains)
  • Pierre Larrouturou (Place Publique - Parti Socialiste - Nouvelle Donne)
  • Laurence Lyonnais (La France Insoumise)
  • Jean Philipe Tanguy (Debout La France)
  • Marie Toussaint (Europe Écologie Les Verts)

The conference has been moderated by Clément Viktorovitch, Doctor of political science, teacher at Sciences Po and media columnist. It has been organised in two steps:

  • 9h-11h30: debate with the candidates
  • 11h30-12h: break
  • 12h-13h: debriefing around Sébastien Treyer, Director general of IDDRI, Charlotte Halpern, Researcher at CEE Sciences Po, Céline Charveriat, Director of IEEP, and Luc Beugnot and Paul Clevy from Sciences Po Environnement