A side event co-organised by IDDRI, SRC, SRC at Swedio, and IDLO during the UN Biodiversity Conference COP13 in Cancun (Mexico).



Conserving and using biodiversity sustainably is increasingly scaled at the landscape, national, regional and global levels. Indeed, reaching most Aichi Targets will require going beyond the sole Strategic Goal C (“safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity”) and rather largely mainstream biodiversity in different traditional sectors such as agriculture, fishing, mining, and infrastructure but also in broader cross-sectoral areas such as human rights, governance and disaster risk reduction. This critically involves providing actors, both state and non-state actors, at local, national and global scales, with incentives to value, take into account and finally conserve and use biodiversity in a sustainable and equitable way. Building tailored law and justice responses and fostering synergies and coherence in national and international frameworks with relevance to biodiversity are needed to achieve the interdependent Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the Sustainable Development Goals in particular the interconnections between SDG 16 on “peace, justice and strong institutions” and SDG 15 “life on land”.

Such incentives can be found in innovative legal frameworks for economic, social and environmental measures which can all contribute to mainstream biodiversity in all decisions societies regularly take. Most importantly, legal, economic and human right-based approaches should be combined and complement each other. Economic instruments, in particular innovative financial mechanisms promoted within the CBD, are indeed closely embedded in institutional and legal frameworks which set the scene and the rules of the game. Similarly, social and environmental safeguards, including respect of human rights, need to be put in place so as to ensure fairness and ultimate legitimacy of such incentives in mainstreaming biodiversity.        

In this regard, this side-event will discuss this needed complementarity and synergy between economic, legal and cultural approaches. Focus will be put on the combination and cross-disciplinary aspect of incentives, so as to highlight the necessary mainstreaming of biodiversity, beyond the usual working-in-silos approaches. 

December 14, 2016 - 6:15 p.m/7:45 p.m
The Moon Palace Golf and Spa Resort/Convention Centre
Cancún, Quintana, Roo, Mexico
Venue Room Side-event 1, Universal building, main floor

>> See description on CBD website


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