Raphael Billé and Julien Rochette will participate in the first conference of national integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) committees in the Western Indian Ocean on 24 to 25 March 2010 in Mombasa, Kenya.
Raphael will present the main conclusions of the feasibility assessment of an ICZM Protocol to the Nairobi Convention, study conducted by IDDRI between November 2009 and January 2010. Julien will present the legal aspects and formal processes of a potential ICZM Protocol development.
This conference is organised back to back with the 6th Conference of Parties to the Nairobi Convention to be held on 29 March to 1st April in Nairobi, Kenya.

For more information: http://www.unep.org/NairobiConvention/COP6/index.asp