The Second meeting (12-16 February 2018, Quito, Ecuador) of the authors tasked with drafting the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and the Cryosphere, in the follow-up of the first authors meeting in October 2017 in Fiji. This Special Report will be released in late 2019Alexandre Magnan, senior research fellow (vulnerability and adaptation to climate change), and Jean-Pierre Gattuso, associate researcher, attended this event.

The second meeting of the authors of the IPCC Special Report on the Oceans and the Cryosphere was held from 12 to 16 February 2018 in Quito, Ecuador. This report is part of the sixth IPCC assessment cycle, which will result in the publication of a new assessment report in 2022. Two further special reports are in preparation, one on the consequences of a +1.5°C world, and another on land use.

The Ocean/Cryosphere report aims to take stock of scientific knowledge about the consequences of climate change in terms of impacts on physical and chemical processes and extending to the consequences on our ecosystems and societies. Also addressing the scope of possible responses, the report is structured around six chapters: General framework; High mountain areas; Polar regions; Coastal regions and rising sea levels; Oceans and marine ecosystems; and Extreme weather events.

The drafting group brings together 110 experts from around the world. IDDRI is represented by Jean-Pierre Gattuso (Associate Researcher; coordinating lead author of Chapter 1, which defines the framework of the entire report) and Alexandre Magnan (Senior Research Fellow at IDDRI; lead author of Chapter 4 on the implications of rising sea levels for islands and low-lying coasts and their communities). The authors will submit a First Order Draft at the end of April, which will be discussed within the international community to identify areas for improvement. The foundation of the Second Order Draft will be discussed at the third authors’ meeting in China, next July.