IDDRI, PBL and FNIA host this side event to the COP-14 (fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity).

The global Strategic Plan for Biodiversity with the Aichi Targets will expire in 2020. COP15 will be a landmark moment in the history of international biodiversity governance. As parties to the CBD are gathering at COP 14, and as it has been noticeable in discussions in the last year, parallels are often made between the stakes of COP 15 for the CBD and of COP 21 for the UNFCCC. On-going discussions, and even some proposals for the post-2020, implicitly or explicitly take the Paris Agreement, or some of its elements, as examples to emulate in the CBD arena.

This side event will address some of the key lessons that can be learned from COP 21, from its preparation to the adoption of the Paris Agreement, including:

  • The different timelines and state of discussions in both conventions before their major respective deadlines.
  • The functions of an “action agenda” in the climate arena, gathering state and non-state actors, and what would be foreseeable for biodiversity.
  • The features of the Paris Agreement (NDCs, ratchet mechanism, MRV, etc.) that are seen by some as examples to follow for the CBD.
  • The formal and implementation links of the UNFCCC and the CBD up to 2030.

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