Report March 2021 Towards a just transition of food systems - Challenges and policy levers for France Authors: Pierre-Marie Aubert, Baptiste Gardin, Michele Schiavo and 1 more.
Policy Brief March 2021 Towards a just transition of food systems - Challenges and policy levers for France Authors: Pierre-Marie Aubert, Baptiste Gardin, Michele Schiavo and 1 more.
26 MAY 2021 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Replay: "A just transition to align the EU food system with the Green Deal: challenges and policy levers for France" Speakers: Emmanuel Faber, Tassos Haniotis, Christiane Lambert and 3 more.
24 MAR 2021 PAST EVENT Conference Replay: "Towards a just transition of the food system. What policy drivers are available to France?" French-speaking webinar Speakers: Pascal Canfin, Florence Pradier, Philippe Mauguin and 3 more.
12 DEC 2017 Paris PAST EVENT Conference Public event On the growing importance of retailers in agro-food chains: impacts on the sustainability of farming systems A session of IDDRI's Sustainable Development and Environmental Economics Seminar Speakers: Christophe Alliot, Pierre-Marie Aubert, Yann Laurans