Rapport August 2008 Agriculture and Development Berlin Workshop Series Authors: Laurence Tubiana, Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff
Rapport February 2008 The effects of local environmental institutions on perceptions of smoke and fire problems in Brazil Authors: Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff, Kenneth M. Chomitz
Study January 2008 Why are we seeing Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) in developing countries? Authors: Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff, Laura Ximena Rubio Alvarado
Publication scientifique December 2007 Pago por servicios ambientales : una nueva forma de conservar la biodiversidad Authors: Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff, Sven Wunder, Rocio del Pilar Moreno-Sanchez
Publication scientifique December 2007 Payments for ecosystem services: a new way of conserving biodiversity in forests Authors: Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff, Sven Wunder
Propositions December 2007 Intégrer la déforestation évitée dans un nouvel accord sur le climat Authors: Laurence Tubiana, Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff
Rapport September 2007 Governance of Renewable Natural Resources Concepts, Methods and Tools Authors: Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff, Dominique Rojat
Document de travail November 2006 Payments for environmental services? A solution for biodiversity conservation? Author: Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff