
Gattuso J.-P. (2017). « L’acidification de la mer Méditerranée ». In: Groupe régional d’experts sur le climat en Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (Ed.), La mer et le littoral de Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur face au changement climatique, pp. 14. Marseille: AIR-Climat.


“Before delving into the different inputs provided by GREC-PACA researchers, it is important to better define certain notions and clarify the regional context so as to better understand the climate change issues at stake in the Mediterranean coastal zones and the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region in particular. 

‘Littoral zone’ is a complex term whose physical, legal-administrative, scientific or literary interpretations vary. In marine biology, the littoral zone is limited to the area with plant species in intertidal zone 3, also known as the splash or spray zones. An oceanographer would be interested in the sediment-water dynamics or the interaction between land and ocean, an ecologist in the functioning of ecosystems in these regions, while a geomorphologist would be more concerned by the shoreline itself. From a demographic or economic point of view, the regions directly involved in the maritime economy would be of most interest. Legally, coastal terrestrial limits are defined based on existing administrative demarcations and sea limits such as the territorial sea limit (12 nautical miles), for instance. Depending on the topic of study and the data being used for its assessment, geographers use several definitions to differentiate between coastline and inland regions. From an ecological perspective, the marine coastline is divided into types of marine habitats based on the depth of waters and varying levels of inhabitation.”

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