Less than three years before the decennial deadline of the Strategic Action Plan of the CBD, and with increasing indications that most Aichi targets will not be met, it is time to prepare the 2020 moment and reflect on the perspectives for the international governance regime of biodiversity after COP15.

IDDRI believes there is a need to organise an informal discussion regarding the CBD’s next strategic plan after 2020, and more generally the international governance of biodiversity. In particular, exchanging on the visions of what would be considered a success at COP15 constitutes a first step to identify major negotiation points for the process until then. IDDRI therefore invites a small group of people (less than 20), mixing negotiators in charge, former negotiators and other actors and experts having a role in the process, and on an intuitu personae basis, to an informal workshop.

The meeting will be held under Chatham House rules (especially, no individual record of ideas and positions). This informal group could meet again several times before 2020, for example on a twice-a-year basis (modalities to be adopted based on opportunities and practical constraints).

Discussions will be moderated by IDDRI and its general director Teresa Ribera.