Self-driving cars raise questions about sustainable urban transport in France
[RFI - June 2018]
The innovation should lead to collective forms of transportation, rather than self-driving individual cars.
With Laura Brimont.
Background and issues
The decarbonisation of the mobility sector is a complex goal that is currently less well-understood than the decarbonisation of energy systems. In addition, the mobility sector is undergoing significant changes, with a threefold transformation underway for passenger mobility via the advent of collaborative mobility, the electrification of vehicles and the development of autonomous vehicles. These changes are not yet well integrated into public policy. The New Mobility, Clean Mobility project is aimed at understanding these transformations, assessing their risks and opportunities for decarbonisation, and proposing recommendations for national and local public policy.

- Building new-mobility scenarios at the intersection of these three transformations.
What kinds of economic, business and service-based models could emerge?
- Evaluating the consequences of these scenarios:
what risks and opportunities arise for more sustainable mobility?
- Identifying policy issues:
what are the key challenges, fields of action and tools available to policy-makers to help set the mobility sector on an increasingly virtuous path from a sustainable development point of view?
The project builds on the dialogue of the Mobility Transitions Platform organised and led by IDDRI, and brings together the various actors involved with these issues over several sessions throughout the year.
See also