03 OCT 2024 PAST EVENT Conference Policy Pathways towards a More Sustainable Cruise Sector Blue Tourism Initiative Webinar - 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm CEST Speaker: iddri
27 AUG 2024 PAST EVENT Conference Towards Sustainable Blue Tourism in the Caribbean: Policy pathways to support coastal and marine community-based tourism Event on Zoom - 4pm CEST Speakers: Dylis McDonald, Nicole Leotaud, Melanie Andrews-Bacchus
06 DEC 2023 PAST EVENT Conference Replay: "Tools and Initiatives to promote a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Mediterranean" Side event - Barcelona Convention COP23 Speakers: Jeremie Fosse, Angelo Sciacca
06 APR 2023 PAST EVENT Conference Replay: "Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: what’s next for the Ocean?" Webinar organised with the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) - English-speaking, without translation Speakers: Julien Rochette, Cyrille Barnerias, Phénia Marras-Ait Razouk and 8 more.
23 NOV 2021 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Replay: "Towards a better management of Western African marine resources" Webinar organized within the STRONG High Seas Framework project / In English & French Speakers: Julien Rochette, Klaudija Cremers, Dyhia Belhabib and 2 more.
22 MAR 2021 26 MAR 2021 PAST EVENT Presentation 4th edition of the Monaco Ocean Week Organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation & the Monaco Blue Initiative, amongst others Speakers: Sébastien Treyer, Julien Rochette
09 DEC 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Replay: "Fishing in the Twilight Zone: illuminating governance challenges at the next fisheries frontier" Webinar organised by BLUE, IUCN and IDDRI Speakers: Heidi Sosik, Callum Roberts, Rachel Tiller and 2 more.
19 NOV 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Replay: "Strengthening MCS in the Southeast Pacific" Spanish-speaking webinar, with simultaneous translation in English on Zoom / 04:00 pm CET Speakers: Sébastien Treyer, Sandra Bessudo, Waldemar Coutts and 3 more.
17 NOV 2020 PAST EVENT Conference Public event Replay: "Strengthening Monitoring control and surveillance through a High Seas Treaty" English-speaking webinar Speakers: Glen Wright, Tony Long, Klaudija Cremers and 1 more.
13 NOV 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Disruption of marine ecosystems by climate change: what tools for the protection of the high seas? Webinar organised by the French École normale supérieure / 02:00 pm - 05:00 pm CET Speaker: Julien Rochette
21 OCT 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Ocean-based measures to reduce climate change and its impacts, and rebuild marine life English-speaking webinar organised by CAS-EurASc, held in Beijing and online via Zoom / 09am (CEST) Speaker: Jean-Pierre Gattuso
12 OCT 2020 14 OCT 2020 PAST EVENT Presentation Public event Outermost Regions Forum 2020 English-speaking webinar organised by the European Commission in Brussels Speaker: Alexandre K. Magnan