
The TRAMe2035 scenario aims to answer two questions: (1) Can food demand (for meat products) evolve in line with environmental and health issues and the aspirations of a variety of social groups? (2) What changes in the food environment would be needed to achieve this?


Iddri & I4CE (2025). TRAMe2035, Scénario pour la Transition des Régimes Alimentaires des Ménages, Livret 1.

Read TRAMe2035 - Book 2 (in French)

Information on the TRAMe2035 Project

Key Messages

  • A significant change in diets, including a reduction in meat consumption, is possible for all the social groups considered, taking into account their current practices. This is what is shown by the 12 socio-stories produced by TRAMe2035, which describe the trajectory of the 12 social groups studied in response to changes in the food environment. This makes it possible to go beyond the image of the average individual to represent French society in all its complexity. Each group then maps out a transition pathway on its own terms, i.e. within the constraints and aspirations that are specific to it.
  • The TRAMe2035 scenario results in a reduction in average meat consumption of 15% between 2023 and 2035. This overall trajectory results from the sum of the specific trajectories of the 12 social groups, with reductions ranging from 4% to 36% depending on the group. This average reduction in meat consumption also varies between meat species: -18% for beef, -17% for pork, -8% for poultry, and -28% for other meats (mutton, game, rabbit, etc.). This trajectory to 2035 lays the foundations for achieving environmental objectives by 2050, and is consistent with the targets set by several European countries' nutritional recommendations integrating health and the environment.
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