The development of a dashboard to monitor the low-carbon transition would provide a detailed, coherent vision of all sectoral changes, centralising information about the follow-up of the different strategic plans.
Given the diversity of the indicators to be monitored, the process needs to be structured. In order to provide both an overall summary of results and a detailed vision of sectoral changes, the architecture of this study is sub-divided into three levels of analysis (overall results, structural changes by sector, tools for change) and seven sectors of activity.
This study, along with the spreadsheet that accompanies it, should be viewed as an initial prefiguration process, highlighting the importance but also the complexity of the exercise. In this sense, the study provides food for thought, which will need to be refined through a collective definition of the methodology of the monitoring tool, which could be organised by the government and the National Council for the Ecological Transition ahead of the next revision of the strategic plans.


Download dashboard - Monitoring the transition

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