
Poux, X., Aubert, P.-M., Court, M. (2021). Demain, une Europe agroécologique. Se nourrir sans pesticides, faire revivre la biodiversité. Actes Sud.

More information on the publisher's website (in French)


"The time has come for agroecology to change scale: a completely agroecological production, free of pesticides and synthetic fertilisers, is now possible throughout Europe. At the heart of this model, supported by a new generation of farmers and agronomists, is the disappearance of industrial livestock farming, which makes it possible to be self-sufficient in fodder and improves Europe's contribution to the world food balance. Far from being limited to a few pioneering farms, agroecology can profoundly transform our landscapes for the benefit of the climate, our health and that of the fauna and flora. Based on quantified modelling, this book also explores the modes of social and economic organisation and the political choices that can make this scenario plausible and desirable. We have ten years to get Europe on the road to agroecology so that by 2050 the hypothesis becomes reality."