
Garrabou J, Gómez-Gras D, Ledoux J-B, Linares C, Bensoussan N, López-Sendino P, Bazairi H, Espinosa F, Ramdani M, Grimes S, Benabdi M, Souissi JB, Soufi E, Khamassi F, Ghanem R, Ocaña O, Ramos-Esplà A, Izquierdo A, Anton I, Rubio-Portillo E, Barbera C, Cebrian E, Marbà N, Hendriks IE, Duarte CM, Deudero S, Díaz D, Vázquez-Luis M, Alvarez E, Hereu B, Kersting DK, Gori A, Viladrich N, Sartoretto S, Pairaud I, Ruitton S, Pergent G, Pergent-Martini C, Rouanet E, Teixidó N, Gattuso J-P, Fraschetti S, Rivetti I, Azzurro E, Cerrano C, Ponti M, Turicchia E, Bavestrello G, Cattaneo-Vietti R, Bo M, Bertolino M, Montefalcone M, Chimienti G, Grech D, Rilov G, Tuney Kizilkaya I, Kizilkaya Z, Eda Topçu N, Gerovasileiou V, Sini M, Bakran-Petricioli T, Kipson S and Harmelin JG (2019). Collaborative Database to Track Mass Mortality Events in the Mediterranean Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:707. 

DOI : 10.3389/fmars.2019.00707


Both field observations and future projections using Regional Coupled Models show the increase in Mediterranean sea surface temperature, with more frequent occurrence of extreme ocean warming events. As a result, new mass mortality events (MMEs) are expected during the coming years. To date, despite the efforts, neither updated nor comprehensive information can support scientific analysis of mortality events at a Mediterranean regional scale. Such information is vital to guide management and conservation strategies that can then inform adaptive management schemes that aim to face the impacts of climate change.

The Mass Mortality Events database (hereafter MME-T-MEDNet) is a collaborative initiative involving more than 30 research institutions from 10 Mediterranean countries including EU and non-EU countries. This initiative aims to facilitate the access to information (published in scientific journals and gray literature or still unpublished) related to Mediterranean MMEs.