Un atelier organisé par the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), E3G, l'Iddri et Agora Energiewende, consacré à l'Union européenne de l'énergie et aux changements dans le marché électrique européen que cett union suppose.

Présentation [en anglais] :

"The development of a resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking climate policy is a key strategic objective of the Juncker Commission. Recognising that achieving these goals will require changes to the European electricity market, the Commission has launched a consultation on this topic which is open until early October.

The European Climate Foundation (ECF) is supporting analysis conducted by the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), E3G, IDDRI and AGORA Energiewende on aspects of market design that are critical to achieving affordable, reliable and timely decarbonisation of the power system.

Particular focal points of the workshop will include the role and design of markets, and complementary regulation required during the decarbonisation transition, in order to achieve:

  • Continued efficient investment in low carbon energy resources at the necessary pace and scale
  • Affordable integration of variable energy resources while ensuring system reliability, including the transition to a more flexible portfolio of resources
  • Delivery of the benefits of flexible energy demand through genuine consumer empowerment, innovation and feasible business models
  • The timely retirement of high-carbon and inflexible power generation assets

The workshop will bring together representatives of the smart grid industry including aggregators and ICT companies, consumer and environmental organisations and market design experts."