L'Iddri, aux côtés du German Development Institute (GDI, Allemagne), du Global Water Partnership (GWP, Suède), de l'Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS, Allemagne) et du Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI, Suède), organise à l'occasion de la 3e Global Soil Week une session consacrée aux questions de gouvernance de systèmes socio-écologiques éminément complexes et interdépendants.

Présentation :

"This session explores current experiences on working with the nexus heuristic across disciplines. To do so, we open the floor to a diversity of lessons learned both from theory and practice as well as spanning across a range of themes including water management, soil conservation, food security and energy security. Based on this exchange of expertise the session will embark on a transdisciplinary consultation on how our participants’ experiences, ideas and concerns could feed into a collaborative effort vis-à-vis the challenges we are facing in the context of the Post-2015 Agenda."

Plus d'informations sur le site de la Global Soil Week