Un side event co-organisé par l'Iddri, The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) et le Programme des Nations unies pour l'environnement (PNUE) dans le cadre de l'Assemblée générale du Groupe de travail spécial informel à composition non limitée chargé d’étudier les questions relatives à la conservation et à l’exploitation durable de la diversité biologique marine dans les zones situées au-delà des limites de la juridiction nationale (Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction).

Présentation de la conférence [en anglais] :

"The development of regional initiatives for the protection of the environment is a cornerstone of international environmental policies. For Oceans and Coasts, this regionalisation has mainly been taking place through Regional Seas Programmes and Regional Fisheries Management Organisations. Some of these initiatives and organisations have also progressively extended their activities to areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ).

This session will discuss recent developments, opportunities and challenges of regional actions in these areas. It will also explore pathways to consider the discussion on a possible new global agreement and the development of regional actions as two interconnected processes."

Programme de la conférence [en anglais] :

  • 13.15-13.20 Welcome remarks, H.E. Mr. Ronnie Jumeau (Ambassador of Seychelles on SIDS and Climate Change) (tbc)
  • 13.20-13.25 Introduction to regional seas experiences and initiatives, Takehiro Nakamura (UNEP)
  • 13.25-13.35 UNEP White Paper on regional oceans governance: key findings and lessons learnt for the governance of ABNJ, Julien Rochette (IDDRI)
  • 13.35-13.45 The regional approach to ABNJ – conclusions from a collaborative research project and future perspectives, Sebastian Unger (IASS)
  • 13.45-14.00 Questions and Answers
  • 14.00-14.45 Panel discussions moderated by Ronnie Jumeau (tbc): The development of regional initiatives in ABNJ: lessons from South Pacific, Western Indian Ocean, Caribbean and Northeast Atlantic
    Panel members:
    - H.E. Ronnie Jumeau (tbc)
    - H.E. Mr. Eden Charles (Deputy Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago to UN)
    - Mr. Darius Campbell (OSPAR Commission) (tbc)
    - A representative from the South Pacific region (tbc)
  • 14.00-14.20 Introduction of regional initiatives by Panel members
  • 14.20-14.40 Panel discussions with audience
  • 14.40-14.45 Wrap-up and conclusion

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