Une intervention de Laurence Tubiana dans le cadre d'un séminaire organisé par The Alliance Program, The Sustainable Development Doctoral Society et The United Nations Studies Program de Columbia University (New York, États-Unis).

Aux côtés de Scott Barrett (professeur d’économie des ressources naturelles du Lenfest-Earth Institute et du SIPA, Columbia University), Laurence Tubiana fera un bilan de la 16e conférence des Parties (CdP) à la convention cadre des Nations unies sur le changement climatique (Cancún, 29 nov.-10 déc.).

Présentation [en anglais] :

"The 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held in Cancun, Mexico, from November 29 to December 10, 2010. This summit, referred to as 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16), is part of a series of international talks attempting to address global warming by limiting greenhouse gas emissions. The objective of this summit is to work on a global agreement to succeed the Kyoto protocol after the talks at Copenhagen last year failed to replace it (the Kyoto Protocol came into force in 2005 and set binding targets for 37 industrialized countries and the European community for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2012). Professor Laurence Tubiana and Professor Scott Barrett will discuss expectations and outcomes of COP16."

contact : mj2412@columbia.edu

>> Voir la vidéo de la conférence [site de l'université de Columbia]

>> Le site de The Alliance Program