Une intervention de François Gemenne dans le cadre de la 10e édition du cycle "European Conferences on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change", avec pour thème, en 2010, "Social dimensions of environmental change and governance".

Résumé de la présentation :

"Most observers agree that equity is an essential condition for a new international agreement on climate change. However, equity is an equivocal concept, and different interpretations of equity clash with each other. Though equity concerns have been placed at the core of negotiations on mitigation efforts, they have been little addressed in the discussions on adaptation. As a result of this, the criteria that will be used to allocate the adaptation funding remain unclear and vague, which is detrimental for the negotiation process as a whole. This paper aims to offer a new perspective on this issue, departing from the traditional perspective inspired by retributive justice."

Cette présentation aura lieu lors de la session intitulée "Financing adaptation"
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