Une intervention de Laurence Tubiana dans le cadre de la conférence "Planet Under Pressure" organisée à Londres du 26 au 29 mars 2012.

Laurence Tubiana délivrera cette présentation dans le cadre de la session "Challenges to Progress".

Présentation de la conférence [en anglais] :

" [...] The London conference will focus the scientific community’s and the wider world’s attention on climate, ecological degradation, human well-being, planetary thresholds, food security, energy, governance across scales and poverty alleviation.

The conference will discuss solutions, at all scales, to move societies on to a sustainable pathway. It will provide scientific leadership towards the 2012 UN Rio +20 conference, also in 2012.

[...] Working across scales will be a strong theme for the conference. The scientific community will stress that there must be many governance and technological solutions at all levels, from local and national, to regional and global. It will stress that while there are many threats, global change also provides many opportunities."

>> Le site de la conférence "Planet Under Pressure"
[en anglais]