Une intervention d'Elisabeth Druel dans le cadre d'une session du Congrès mondial de la nature de l'UICN (6-15 septembre 2012).

Présentation de la session [en anglais] :

"After years of discussion at the United Nations, many States and NGOs are now calling for a new multilateral agreement for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction. Come get an update on threats to high seas biodiversity and gaps in governance, debate the advantages and disadvantages of a new legal agreement, contribute on ways to improve the effectiveness of existing agreements, and help plan a better future for our global ocean commons."

Elisabeth Druel présentera l'étude Iddri-Agence des aires marines protégées, "Governance of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction at the regional level: filling the gaps and strengthening the framework for action" (à paraître).

Présentation du congrès [en anglais] :

The five Congress themes will be :

  • Nature+ climate: Nature-based solutions for climate change
  • Nature+ food: Nature-based solutions to food security.
  • Nature+ development: Nature-based solutions to economic and social development
  • Nature+ people & governance: Effective and equitable governance of nature’s use
  • Nature+ life: Valuing and conserving nature

>> Le site du congrès de l'UICN