Une intervention de Damien Demailly lors d'une session organisée dans le cadre du OuiShare Fest

Présentation de l'événement [en anglais] :

"OuiShare Fest is a three-day festival that brings together 1,000 actors from the collaborative economy in Paris each year. Connected by shared values, knowledge, resources or by digital and physical spaces, communities are transforming cities, organizations and civic action everywhere in the world. They are driving movements such as collaborative consumption, open source, makers and fablabs, coworking, crowdfunding, alternative currencies and more. How do these pieces fit together? What is the bigger picture? OuiShare Fest gathers entrepreneurs and social innovators, non-profit and business leaders, grassroots activists and public officials in one place to build a common vision of a collaborative society."

>> Le site du OuiShare Fest