Une intervention de Glen Wright dans le cadre du 12e Colloque annuel de l'Academy of Environmental Law de l'IUCN (Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature), "Energy for a Fair Society on a Safe Planet" qui se tient à Tarragone (Espagne) du 30 juin au 5 juillet 2014.

Glen Wright présente un article, "Marine Governance in an Industrialised Ocean: a case study of Marine Renewables", dans le cadre des sessiosn "Water and Energy", et prend part à une réunion du World Environmental Law Commission's Specialist Group on Oceans, Coasts and Coral Reefs.

Présentation [en anglais] :

"Energy has a critical role to play in the process of development, and we are seeking to find an appropriate energy mix to meet developmental needs while also being aware of the effects of our energy consumption on the environment. The search for safe and sustainable sources of energy is one of the fundamental problems of humankind today. At the same time, ensuring energy supply is causing environmental degradation and social disruption.

The concept ‘sustainable development’ as a paradigm for the integrated governance of economic, social and environmental protection matters seems to be in decline. There is a need for new approaches to cope with the world-wide ecological crisis, including the field of energy policies. For these reasons, energy is the theme of the 2014 IUCNAEL Colloquium."

>> Le site du colloque [en anglais]