Une inervention de Laurence Tubiana dans le cadre d'une conférence ("Shale gas: W hat are the implications for Europe ’s competitiveness?") organisée par le Buereau of Euopean Policy Advisers de la Commission européenne et The German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Présentation [en anglais] :

"This seminar will examine the implications of the global revolution in unconventional oil and gas for Europe. It will assess the impacts of shale gas on the EU’s economic competitiveness, particularly vis-à-vis the US. It will consider the choices that the EU and its member states must make as governments and companies consider whether or not to develop potential resources of shale gas on the continent. Panelists and participants will discuss the impact of these choices on Europe’s economic recovery, the fight against climate change and other environmental impacts, and energy security."

>> Voir la vidéo de la session "Is shale gas essential for Europe’s economic future?"