• Session I: WTO and Sustainable Development: Taking Stock of Ideas

Président : Hafiz Pasha, UNDP

Intervenants : Laurence Tubiana (Iddri, chaire Développement durable de Science Po), Terms of the Political Debate: Between Threats and Opportunities. Munir Akram (Représentant permanent du Pakistan aux Nations Unies et président de l'UNESC), Reforming the Multilateral Trading System: A Developing Country Perspective [Due to last minute changes, Munir Akram was unable to participate at the Conference]. Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz (ICTSD), Trade and Sustainable Development: Prospects for Hong Kong.

Discutants : Ronnie Hall (Friends of the Earth International) and Robert Wolfe (Queen?s University).

Intervenants : Adrian Hewitt (Overseas Development Institute), Trade and Development: What Can Be Expected from the WTO?. Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder (CIEL), Trade and the Environment: Where Do We Stand After Doha.

Discutants : Kristian Weise (ICFTU) and Paul Ekins (Policy Studies Institute).

  • Session II: Trade and Development: Taking Stock of Facts

Présidente : Alice Palmer, FIELD (UK)

Intervenants : Sylvain Chabe-Ferret and Julien Gourdon (CERDI), Does Trade Matter? Impact Channels from Trade down to Workers and Farmers. Jean-Pierre Cling (DIAL), Social Governance: The World Bank, the IMF and Trade as if Inequalities Mattered. Marcelo Olarreaga (The World Bank), Agricultural market access versus subsidies: what's more important for developing countries? Jean-Marc Siroën and Clotilde Granger (Université Paris Dauphine), Labor Standards and Trade Agreements.

  • Session III: WTO and the Environment: Taking Stock of Facts

Président : Mark Halle (IISD)

Intervenants : Meredith A. Crowley (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago), Does Trade Matter? The Environment and Globalization. Olivier Godard (CNRS), Environmental Governance and Precaution. Tristan Le Cotty and Tancrède Voituriez (Iddri), Making Preferences for the Environment Compatible: A Case for International Compensation. Simon Tay (Singapore Institute of International Affairs), Environment and Intellectual Property Rights: Conflict or Cooperation Between North and South.

  • Session IV: Trade and Services

Présidente : Erika Mann (Member of the European Parliament)

Intervenants : Americo Beviglia-Zampetti (Unctad), Trade Ruels behind Borders: Public Services and the New Trade Agenda.

Discutant : J. Anthony VanDuzer (University of Ottawa)