Une intervention de François Gemenne dans le cadre d'une conférence internationale organisée par le Network Migration in Europe, en coopération avec le groupe de recherche "Migremus" de l'Institut de géographie de l'université de Brême, et la Federal Agency for Civic Education.

François Gemenne intervient lors de la Session 3, "New Policy Perspectives/Political approaches to a solution".

Présentation de la session [en anglais] :

"In the third part of the conference, complementary forms of protection against environmentally-induced flight and migration as well as different approaches to a solution are compared and discussed. Contradictory perspectives regarding the exploitation of resources in the Northern and Southern hemispheres of this world are examined. The example of EU migration and mobility control under the pretext of security politics is confronted with challenges concerning politics of equality. Central to this discussion is the question if governance approaches on a regional, global and bilateral level have been adopted within the last years and, if so, in how far they have led to a solution of the problem or have rather caused a relocation and escalation of migration movements. Which methods of resolution could be developed in order to cope with migrations caused by environmental changes? Which changes could become necessary on the European level?"

Présentation de la conférence [en anglais] :

"The international conference is divided into three parts which trace the questions of causes, consequences and forms of appearance of climate migration/flight as well as controversial approaches to a solution of the complex interrelation between climate and flight/migration:
Part I: Framing of controversial debates on migration and climate change
Part II: Regional forms of appearance, sociopolitical consequences and EU migration control
Part III: Political approaches to a solution"

>> En savoir plus [site de Network Migration in Europe, en anglais]