Une intervention de François Gemenne dans le cadre d'un « cyber-séminaire », "Preparing for Population Displacement and Resettlement Associated with Climate Change and Large Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Projects", organisé par le Population-Environment Research Network.

Ce séminaire se fonde sur une note de cadrage produite à l'occasion d'un atelier international organisé à Bellagio (Italie) en novembre 2010.

Présentation du cyber-séminaire [en anglais] :

"The purpose of cyberseminars is to provide a forum for scientists from the social and natural sciences to debate and discuss cutting edge population-environment research topics. [...] This cybeseminar will address population displacement and the potential need for organized resettlement owing to climate change and associated mitigation and adaptation projects. The seminar will address two major types of future resettlement:
1) resettlement stemming from direct climate impacts, and
2) resettlement owing to large scale mitigation and adaptation (M&A) projects that are meant to reduce climate change risks. The latter include large-scale projects such as dams, coastal defenses, water transfer schemes, biofuel plantations and renewable energy complexes which, regardless of their actual effectiveness in promoting M&A, are often justified for climate reasons."

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