Un article consacré au débat sur la transition énergétique en France. Les auteurs (Teresa Ribera et Andreas Rüdinger) replacent dans un premier temps cette question dans une perspective énergétique historique, puis livrent une analyse critique des apports – formels et substantiels — du débat, et concluent sur le rôle de ce débat dans le cadre des politiques climatiques européennes.

Extrait [en anglais] :

"Like many other industrialised economies, France has identified the energy transition as one of the major challenges ahead - one that is also full of promise. Environmental, economic and social reasons have led to a policy challenge that will demand a strong political line and a coherent and multi-sector approach.

France has undergone a structural evolution in its energy policy over the last two years. This process has led to the definition of a long-term strategy, including objectives on greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and the transition of the power mix. With a new "framing law on the energy transition" to be adopted by early 2015 in view of the international climate conference to be hosted by France later that year, it is interesting to take a look behind the scenes at the French process in comparison to transition strategies in neighbouring countries, as well as in the light of the current debate on a post-2020 EU climate and energy framework."

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