Un article [en anglais] de Claudio Chiarolla paru dans le Vol.4, Numéro 3 de la revue Bridges Trade BioRes Review éditée par l'International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICSTD).

Abstract :

"The status of genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA) is a category for which matters in the ABS Working Group are complicated by existing rules, procedures and practices. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) provides an internationally agreed framework for the conservation and sustainable use of crop diversity and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits, in accordance with the CBD. Should the ABS Protocol thus explicitly exclude PGRFA under the ITPGRFA’s Multilateral System or is there a need for a more flexible regulation of GRFA?"

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